The Trolley Trail - Catonsville
(NEAR) 321 Stonewall Rd, Catonsville MD
At the intersection between Edmonson and Stonewall/Chalfonte Dr
This spot is at the beginning of the Trolley Line #9, on the Catonsville side. It begins where Edmonson Avenue ends.
This is just a house right next to the trail. You can use this address as a means to plug into your gps and get to the location. Please don't block or pull into their driveway! There's no parking lot where we're meeting (don't go into the middle school, it's on a big hill), but there is plenty of street parking. You can park anywhere on Edmonson, Stonewall, or Chalfonte.
Meet at the bench (or right by it)
There is a bench at the head of the trail. Meet me right in that spot! There might be someone else sitting there (there often is), but I'll be standing right around it with cameras strapped to me.
This is the view from Edmonson. You can park on the purple if you'd like.
We'll meet where the red circle is.
Meetng spot
The bench from google street view.
Meeting spot
View from Stonewall Rd.